Stretewise - The Village Magazine - Recipes

All the recipes shared and printed in Stretewise will be published on this website and can be downloaded or printed as PDF files. If you have a favourite recipe that you would like to share please email it to or post to: Stretewise, Strete, TQ6 0RY. Recipes for: Cakes, Scones and Biscuit. Soups, Meat, Vegetarian, Vegan, Desserts, Jams, Chutneys and Pickles, Ice Cream, Bread and Rolls all welcome. Who knows a compiled Stretewise recipe book may be in the offing.

Soups and Stews
Click the image to open the full recipe.

Mushroom Soup
Contributed by
Roger Sinnott

Tomato and
Red Pepper Soup

Contributed by
Roger Sinnott