Stretewise - The Village Magazine - Village Amenities

The village benefits from several green open spaces and other amenities for recreation, to relax and enjoy the area of AONB.

The Village Green:
As a result of the efforts of Richard and Joan Hacon (together with Kevin Hooper, Stuart Lister and Hilary Peart) the status of the Tannen Land has been changed to that of  Village Green. As many of you know the land has now been registered as a village green.  The village green status provides the land with protection so it can continue to be used for lawful sports and pastimes.  The land should now be protected from any development.  The land is still owned by the County Council and any covenants that were in place will continue as they were.
The Parish Council has a Management Agreement with the County Council.  The responsibility for the management of the Village Green lies with the Parish Council. The ownership of the land remains with Devon County Council.
Now that the land has been registered as a Village Green it does not mean that a different body is responsible for it. The existing covenants permit the land to be used for recreation or amenity, picnic site or for the grazing of livestock. The land is not permitted to be used for organised games or public meetings. Those covenants that were listed in the 1978 Conveyance of the Land between  Marden Developments Ltd and Devon County Council were   in favour of the properties in Start Bay Park. a part of the Village that were then in the process of being constructed.

Play Park: Strete Parish Council wrote to Devon Playing Fields Assn. on 28th March 1982 requesting help in providing a safe play area for the growing number of children within the village who otherwise played in the road.

Blackbird Wood: Melro de Smithes Wood (Blackbird Wood in Portuguese) In 1991 the late John Smithes planted trees, shrubs and bushes in a two acre field he owned in Hynetown Road, Strete. In 1997 a Trust Deed was made that is known as ‘Nan and John Smithes 1997 Charitable Trust – Melro de Smithes Wood’. The wood was established to encourage wildlife and a quiet enjoyment place for residents and visitors to the village. In 2004 a plastic mesh was laid (vegetation grows through the mesh) on a circular path to make it accessible to pushchairs and wheelchairs. In 2006 the wood was entered in the ‘Devon Woodland Competition’ as part of the Devon County Show and was awarded ‘Bronze Merit Award’. In 2013 to celebrate 140 years of trading in the village, Luscombe Maye, Estate Agents, Chartered Surveyors and Auctioneers gave the village an oak tree which was planted in the wood. The Trustees employ a professional tree surgeon to look after the woods.

These areas are designated as green spaces in the neibourhood plan:
a) The Village Green
b) The Village Wood (Blackbird Wood)
c) The Village Play Park
The local green spaces identified in the plan will be safeguarded from development.
Only minor development directly associated with and necessary for the public enjoyment
of the green space will be permitted.

The Parish Hall: The parish hall accommodates regular activities from Bowls Club and strech and tone. The Village Social Club is a very friendly group, meeting alternate Tuesday afternoons at 2.30pm in the Parish Hall. They have discussions, talks, games and sometimes just social sessions.
The Hall is available to all to hire.Would you like to join in with a club or activity, even help out with one-off events? Have you got any ideas for uses of the hall? Do you know anyone who is looking for a venue? Would you like to run a club, activity or give a talk? Contact the Parish Hall Committee. Have you a special birthday or anniversary coming up? Why not hire the Hall with all its facilities! Rates are £10 per hour, with a daily rate of £60. The Parish Hall is available to rent for events, clubs and activities. Book through Andrea Phillips, 01803 770786.