Stretewise - The Village Magazine - Village Day - August 2019

Saturday 3rd August 2019 12.00pm

Again, this year’s Strete Village Day was held in the most idyllic of locations thanks to the hospitality of Andrea and Malcolm Hollis at
the Mewstone Paddock. The weather did us proud once again this year after a worryingly wet start to the day, but as midday approached we were treated to a mild, dry afternoon with occasional sunshine.
Our dedicated teams of volunteers kept us fed and watered providing everything from local Stokeley Brewery ale, perfect Pimms, tasty
BBQ, sweets and popcorn and of course the excellent tea tent
served tea and coffee with an amazing array of scones and cakes donated by the Strete village bakers. Vintage tractors and motorcycles were on display plus some new farm vehicles.
The Alpacas and Ash Rescue ponies charmed the arena audience.
The numerous children's races proved very popular and great fun. Winners rosette's were proudly on display around the arena. Concentration, effort or just happy to take part even
when you have achieved a rosette in a previous race.
Jeremy Huggett’s Dart Valley Stompers “playing traditional jazz bringing a New Orleans Mardi Gras atmosphere to our Village Day”
Displays included ship wreck treasure trove and historical photographs of Strete, Blackawton and surrounding countryside (BASH)
The sale of Bric-a-Brac and wide selection of books and trade stall goods proved very popular.
The children showed their considerable creative flair with various
craft competitions which included the chance to create an illustration for the cover of this magazine. A drawing by Bryher aged 8yrs being selected by our judge this year Nick Shepherd. 
Bryher Whatley aged 8yrs Winner of the Stretewise Cover Design competition.

The fun dog show attracted over 40 canine entries this year of all
shapes, sizes and mixture. Our judge awarded prizes 1st,2nd and 3rd
in five different classes.
1: Dog with the most appealing eyes.
2: Dog with the waggiest Tail.
3: Handsomest Dog
4: Prettiest Bitch
5: Dog the judge would most like to take home.
Prizes kindly donated by ‘Daisy’s Dog Food’ were presented to the winners. The dogs and handlers had a chance to show their skill in
the agility ring. As usual this proved to be great fun as even the best behaved dogs got stage fright and confused by the obstacles and
demands of the course despite the enthusiastic encouragement of their handlers. If you can't train them join them.